Friday, December 21, 2012

The Beginning


My name is AF.  I am starting up this blog to pursue a goal.  That goal is to read all Star Wars books, comics,  graphic novels and every piece of Star Wars literature in chronological order from beginning to end and then record it here.  I know some people have heard this then thought it will never be done, but I'm serious.  As I read through these books, I will be posting analysis and my thoughts on these titles and I will also be asking for your thoughts.  I'm having trouble deciding if I will play the video games due to the amount of time that they consume but I will still post some thoughts on them compared to the stories I read.  I will be following Joe Bongiomo's Star Wars timeline  I read a lot of Star Wars material but I'm always bouncing from one story to the next, not really knowing what's going on in between the novels, but now that's over!

But before I begin let me tell you a little bit about myself.

To start off, I am acquaintances in real life with MKB who is the creator and author of the blog The Star Wars Chronology Project (  He has encouraged me to start my own blog and do what he is doing to a certain extent.  He's kind of like my mentor in all of this.

I was first introduced to the Star Wars galaxy when I was just a little kid, watching the original trilogy with my family.  Seeing Luke, Han, Leia, Vadar, Yoda was just amazing for me.  And after that, I was hooked!  Now I can't get enough of it.  No one else in my family really has a appreciation for Star Wars like I do so I'm stuck sometimes when I want to talk about it.  I hope this blog will solve that.

The first piece that I will be reading is Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi Force Storm books 1-5.  I am currently ordering them off the internet and will hopefully have them soon.  I am new to the world of blogging and sharing my thoughts so please bear with me as I start to get the hang of posting.

And now the moment we've all been waiting for (or at least the moment I've been waiting for), lets begin....



  1. Cool. I am doing the same thing with your blog - reading it from beginning to end to get caught up and think about each post in the right order!

    1. Ok, thanks for reading. If you have any questions or comments please comment again.
