Wednesday, January 16, 2013

26,000 BBY: Dark Jedi

Hello again! I'm back with an analysis of Star Wars Jedi vs Sith part three: Dark Jedi.  I ordered this book off of and received it within two days of ordering it.  This book will be a great resource for this project because of its seemingly infinite history of the Force and other topics.

This article was written by Jedi Master Tionne Solusar.  In the article, a Dark Jedi is described as differing from the Sith.  In the Old Republic, a Dark Jedi is a Jedi who was part of the order but they abandoned it to pursue their own selfish and malicious agenda.

Master Solusar goes on to play a Holocron that was made by Jedi Master Sar Agorn who is a strange, blob like being.  The story on this Holocron is that of a young boy named Cope Shykrill who is a Force sensitive that lived on the graveyard moon Sarcophagus.  Master Agorn and many other Jedi found him on this planet and offered to take him to the Jedi temple so he may focus his skills of the Force and train to become a Jedi.

The next part of this story I found to be a little creepy.  Another Jedi Master had expressed his concerns to Master Agorn that there was something different about Cope, but he swiftly discounted him by saying that Cope is one of their most "promising Jedi".  One night Master Agorn discovered Cope telling a story to three other young Jedi in training.  Sometime after this exchange he heard screams coming from were he had seen the younglings talking only to discover the three young Jedi dead on the ground and Cope unconscious.  Later Cope reveals that he is able to communicate with shadows and they tell him to do terrible things.  These shadows tell Cope to kill Master Agorn but as he attempts to do so, Cope is killed by another Master.

This story was very interesting to me.  One thing that I found interesting was that Cope Shykrill was known to be a dark person since he was little boy.  Others were afraid of him because of his telekinetic power.  As Master Agorn reflected back on the events, he started to piece together the clues on why his parents were so willing to let him go.  I don't know if this seems far fetched or anything but I think that since he was an unknowing Force sensitive due to the fact that he was just a young boy who knew nothing about the Force (and he grew up on a moon that was filled with burial sites), maybe he was a little more at risk of being tainted by the Dark Side.  Maybe there was a Dark spirit on this moon that managed to taint him and that's why he was listening to shadows.  Perhaps we will find out in the future.  I'm curious to know what you think.

I can't wait to read more sections in this book as I try to achieve my goal.  I would highly recommend this book to any Star Wars fan.  It's full of amazing art and other cool things from the Star Wars universe.  My next post will be on The Pirate Prince which was featured on the Star Wars website when they still had the Hyperspace section.

But until then,  May the Force be with you...........    


  1. This story was one of the little tales I found most disturbing. I read this story coming off reading a collection of books on demonic possession: The Rite: The Making of a Modern Day Exorcist, People of the Lie, An Exorcist Tells his Story, and An Exorcist: More Stories.

    This story, along with Darth Bane: Rule of Two, where Darth Bane murders a father and his two young sons (themselves in the process of grieving for their dead mother) and his subsequent corruption of Zannah, a little girl, into a murderous hag, really unmask the profanity and unholiness of the darkside. I think the equating of the darkside to demonic possession is apt.

    What were also freighting in this story were Cope's words to Master Agorn when he questioned him on the shadows that encouraged him to murder the children: “I inquired if the shadows ever spoke to him. He answered ‘You know they speak to me. They spoke to you, too. I heard them” (pg. 124). Here Master Argon tries to pretend he doesn’t know what Cope is talking about, but Cope calls him out on this.

    This idea is prevalent in the above material I mentioned above: the holier you are (and in the Star Wars universe the stronger your connection to the lightside) the more the dark and demonic want to torture you and bring you down. Being an agent for the light singles you out as a target for the darkness. Very freighting stuff indeed.

  2. MKB, Yes I agree with the way you found this story to be creepy. As Cope admits to being able to speak with the shadows, I felt like I was being watched or something. I have read a tiny bit of literature on demonic possession and every time I read a story about it, I'm pulled into it and then later on I wish I had never read it. There's some sort of curiosity people have when it comes to demonic stories. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Hello there.
    I have followed MKB's Chronology Project from nearly its beginning and have commented some of my thoughts and counsel in his blog. I would be glad to do that also on your blog.

    For example some reading orders have been tested on MKB's blog, so if you are unsure of what you should read next, there's some advice there, (most likely hidden somewhere in comment sections).

    With video games I have often just watched Let's Play videos on Youtube, but there are some games so full of lore and important events that they need to be played (Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2).

    I wrote this post a month ago but it didn't allow me to post it then. I had to do some copypasta :)

  4. Lugija,

    Sorry for the trouble regarding your comment posting. I'm still pretty new to blogging so I was playing around with the settings and a lot of people have been having trouble posting comments. I think it's fixed now. I'm glad that you were finally able to post a comment though. It would be great if you could assist me like you do with MKB. I'm always open to feedback.

    MKB pointed out to me that I may need to go over some some other materiel that I may have missed in the Jedi vs Sith book before I go on to The Pirate Prince. I'm going to look into that but I'm pretty sure I haven't missed anything yet.

    Thanks for commenting and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
