Wednesday, June 26, 2013

4985 BBY: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon

In this post I'm going to be talking about the Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series.  One thing that I don't like about the series however is how it all begins.  It seems like the reader is just thrown into what is happening with the Omen without anything to tell them what's going on. If you have read Crosscurrent like I have, you would know what's going on.  But for the readers who haven't read Crosscurrent and have no prior knowledge of these events, you will have trouble understanding what's going on.  Let me know if you see it the same way.

So enough of my ranting, let's get to this piece.  The story starts 15 years after the Omen crash landed on the planet Kesh.  The Sith survivors have managed to trick the people of Kesh into thinking that they are the Skyborn but some of the Sith are getting tired of living on Kesh.  They have been trying to find different ways of getting off the planet or alerting a ship if they pass by.  But the Sith leader, Yaru Korsin, doesn't see them leaving the planet anytime soon.  Groups start to form based on who thinks there is hope to leave the planet and who thinks that there is no hope of leaving.

Ravilan (nicknamed the red man by the Keshiri people) was one of the few remaining pure blood Sith (red skin and tentacle beard).  He was sent to the Keshiri city's to look at a new kind of algae that may be able to provide light to the Sith buildings.  While visiting these cities, he purposely let loose a deadly plague that wiped out the city's entire population.  Among the dead was a human and Ravilan used this to promote his cause of finding a way off of the planet (because the humans thought that they were immune to any disease that may plague the land).  But Korsin managed to find out what really happened and he had Ravilan killed along with the people who were following him.  In the final pages of this story, a Keshiri rebellion starts to form.        

It looks like the Sith have managed to overestimate the power they think they hold over people again.  Some of the Keshiri have seen through the lies of the Sith and looked at who they really are.  I'm hoping that there is some kind of confrontation between these Keshiri rebels and the Sith.  If the Sith continue to fight with each other and kill themselves, the Keshiri may have a chance of winning.  I've read the Fate of the Jedi series and in the second book they take us back to Kesh.  Even though that story is very far away from this story, it looks like Keshiri blood is within the Sith ranks.  I don't know if this means that the rebels I was talking about actually did rise up and won, or the human Sith population started to fall and they were forced to mate with the Keshiri in order to save the Sith tribe.  I look forward to finding this out.

For my next post I will be reading another Lost Tribe story.  It's called Savior.  I look forward to finding out what happens next.  But until then, may the Force be with you.......

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